ABOUT two years ago, the writer, with but a slight knowledge, and no class instruction in the letter of Christian Science, was the means of setting free two long-suffering mortals, and of substantially declaring that "The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you." Later, a social friend of the family, so happily benefited, came, on a visit to the village, from a distant city, where she had become a disciple of one energetic in the publication of a magazine, a large part of which plagiarized Science and Health.
Learning of the demonstration of Truth in her friend's family, she at once lent her help (?) in furnishing reading matter. This lady could not be induced to buy a copy of Science and Health, saying she had the use of a copy in the public library at home. Later, after returning home, she offered the services of her "friends," who, in their "Unity meetings" would take up the case of one in-the family who had not been willing to be treated by the writer, without the patient's knowledge. Treatments were given, and had continued several days, when the writer chanced to call on the family, and learned what was going on. The patient, by this time, knew of the matter, and did not object to being made the object of so much interest in a distant city. He reported having had very queer, confused sensations, which he could not account for. A well meant warning was unheeded.
Not long since, a call for assistance from one of the family called forth a letter from me, where I endeavored to show the lack of wisdom, and the wrong committed in treating without the knowledge and consent of the patient, and also through "unity meetings."