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From the October 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THANK God it is the Truth we are living in! Prophets and Kings have desired to hear the things which we hear, and have not heard them, and to see the things which we see and have not seen them." The glorious Truth, so simple, that "he who runs may read"; so majestic, fathomless, infinite! is with us to-day. To all the vexed questions of the carnal mind, to every plaint of suffering humanity, there is one loving answer, one universal cure, it is "Emmanuel ", God with us, here and now, omnipresent and omnipotent, a balm for every wound, a "good and perfect gift" for every sacrifice of self, a benediction for each service in the name of Love; healing for sickness, destruction to sin, freedom for the captives of sense, Truth practiced!

Let us live the Truth, and "God will not withhold any good thing from them that ask him." "Except ye become as a little child,"— the inspired saying rings in my ears,— "ye cannot" —a strong word Jesus used —"enter into the kingdom." "Innocence, simplicity concerning evil," guilelessness and unquestioning trust must be ours, or it is useless to boast of the kingdom or wait for it. "With what faith does a child ask of a loving parent! If we could use but half that faith, that simple confidence in the goodness of Divine Principle, "Our Father and Mother God," we should be free. Jesus puts it pathetically, pleadingly,— "Which one is there among you who if his child ask for bread will he give him a stone? If ye being evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall your heavenly Father give good things to them that ask Him."

As we go on searching for "the hidden things of God," — hidden from the material thought,— our desires for anything earthly grow less and less, and the desire, more and more, for the "good things,"— for wisdom, for love, for moral courage, for confidence, for patience, out of which shall flow rivers of healing to bless the sick and sorrowing, and arouse the sinner. This is the work in the Master's vineyard. "Pray ye the Lord of the harvest that he will send forth laborers into His harvest." All love and gratitude to her, who, through self-abnegation and consecration, has been enabled to show us the meaning of Jesus' words, so that we can follow in his steps, and see the same visible, glorious results of our labors, as did Peter and John and Paul.

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