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From the October 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I HAVE set my lights on a thousand hills.
I've illumined field and lane,
To guide you out of the summer-land
Into Autumn's grand domain;
For the days are sweet, in this sunny realm,
They shine with glory, all;
So, come, I will show you, oh, weary ones,
The way to this kingdom of Fall!

There are asters waiting beside the brooks,
There are grapes in the sunny dulls,
And a crimson light in the apple trees
Where the wren's soft choral swells;
There are; nuts grown tawny with many suns,
In this kingdom grand and free,
And they all shall be yours, my weary friend,
If you'll seek this realm with me.

Ah, ye who have borne the Summer's heat
Through its weary hours—oh! see—
I have set my lights on a thousand hills,
To guide you, by lane or by lea,
Safe into the wonderful kingdom of Fall,
All glowing with color and light;
Where the harvester's song lulls the weary to rest,
And an Eden-land bursts on the sight!

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