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From the October 1892 issue of The Christian Science Journal

MY experience, in the Way, that is Truth, Life, and Love, —Christian Science, — has been so wonderful in its blessings, so thorough in its trials, so triumphant in peace, that I rejoice to give it.

In early childhood one query was uppermost in my thought, which was quite a trouble to me, and consequently to those about me: "What is God like?" The answer was ever the same: "You must not ask such a question; we can not know here, but we must love and serve Him."

The earnest desire for Substance, has ever been with me, as I know it abides with everyone. Through the intervening years I learned that mortal hopes and affections are as "a broken staff," a vain shadow, illusive and fleeting, and, verily, I became as the woman at the well, asking, "Who is God, that I may worship Him?" Already, on the wings of Light the blessed Truth was coming, and when the first tidings of Christian Science reached our quiet neighborhood, it found one, at least, watching and waiting. I resolved to be faithful in investigating this new claim to Christianity, even though I lay down my life, to prove its somethingness, or its nothingness, for the sake of the dear children under my care.

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