One by one thy duties meet thee,
Step by step the path is trod
Which, with neither bend nor turning,
Leads thee straight to heaven and God.
Murmur not at slowest progress,
Asking only greater speed;
Seeking not to grasp earth's greatness,
But of trifles taking heed.
Trifles are they? What is trivial?
Dare we call a task well done,
Howe'er small or menial be it,
Less than greater ones begun?
Shall we say a smile from heaven,
Lighting us with joy within,
Thence to cheer some worn companion,
Is a trifling good to win?
Ah, shall we presume to say it—
What is great or what is small?
'Tis the spirit of each action,
That determines one and all.
But lo! of those
Who call "Christ, Christ," there shall be many found,
In judgment, further off from him by far,
Than such, to whom his name was never known.
Christians like those the Ethiop shall condemn:
When that the two assemblages shall part.