For years, the earnest attention of physicians, and students of sociology has been directed to the lamentable conditions growing out of the habitual use of morphine, cocaine, and other drugs of the same class, and to the alarming increase in their use. Regarding this increasing prevalence of the drug habit, Dr. Howard S. Angers is reported to have said, "Physicians are viewing with amazement in their daily practice the multiplied cases of drugmania," and to the physician this must present a most alarming and perplexing problem, since, in the presence of the "drug mania," the physician is practically helpless, for he sees no temporary relief for the victim except through continued use of the drug, and no permanent release except through death.
The conditions noted by Dr. Angers are a most serious indictment of humanity, and of some of the so-called modern discoveries for the relief of pain and suffering yet the case is not so hopeless as it seems. Those who have attempted to estimate the practical benefits of Christian Science, and have kept pace with its recorded cases of healing, must be impressed with the number of such cases reported from time in our periodicals, and the gratitude expressed by those who have been freed from this bondage.
The following extracts are from but two of the many testimonies to healing of this enslaving habit, but they should be sufficient to inspire hope in the breast of every sufferer.