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Testimonies of Healing

Sixteen years ago last March I attended a talk on Christian Science...

From the December 1903 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Sixteen years ago last March I attended a talk on Christian Science and came away convinced that if Christian Science was really what the speaker said it was, it must be the Comforter promised in the Gospel of St. John. I had been brought up in an orthodox church and believed the Bible sufficiently to feel that it was possible for Jesus' promises to be fulfilled this side of the grave.

Three days after this experience I was stricken down with a severe attack of nervous sick headache, which for years had driven me to a dark room and the camphor bottle for from one to three days, and I thought, This is my time to trust the Great Physician. I called on the lady referred to and took my first treatment; came home, and for twenty hours had such a headache, as never before. My old remedies were in the house, but one of the things that impressed me most in her talk was that all material dependencies were false gods, so I would not turn to them for help. Finally I sent for the practitioner, and my first statement was, "Mrs. K., I am going to die." She replied, "No, you are not, but the sick headache is," and she gave me the second treatment. I soon fell asleep, and slept soundly for several hours, when I awoke well and have never had a sick headache since. I had had them from childhood, and I knew that God had healed me.

This was the beginning of a long, persistent effort on my part to know the truth that makes whole. I had been a semi-invalid for a number of years and turned to Christian Science alone for healing from all my ills, seven in number, two inherited, one an uncertain appetite, the result of prenatal influence, the other salt rheum. The others were sick headache, indigestion, poverty of the blood to such an extent that my lips were pallid, rheumatism, and other troubles, from all of which I was healed in four years' time. In that time I gained enough understanding of this healing Principle to overcome almost everything that has come to me since, and to help others out of hopeless disease.

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