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Testimonies of Healing

Of all the investments I have ever made those in Christian Science...

From the December 1903 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Of all the investments I have ever made those in Christian Science have brought the greatest return. The foremost of these have been health, happiness, and contentment, as well as improved financial conditions.

I possessed a very small measure of these when Christian Science was first brought to my notice about twelve years ago, just after a flood which carried away almost everything I had. Since then I have gained rapidly in the understanding of God as revealed by Christian Science, and all my needs have been supplied. About this time also my first copy of Science and Health was received. I read and studied it in connection with the Bible, and was healed of dyspepsia without other treatment. This was after many of the usual remedies for the disease had been tried without benefit.

This was a proof of possible victory over all disease if we but adhere strictly to divine Principle as we are taught to do in our text-book. I have found in different occupations that by the application of this truth we are more successful and make fewer mistakes, and in all our undertakings we are helped by it.

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