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From the December 1903 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The articles in late numbers of the Sentinel, regarding the existence and circulation of questionable literature purporting to be Christian Science, are a warning that is needed by every worker and student.

None can question that an evil has existed in the form of the preservation and circulation of notes of lectures, extracts from a lecturer's talk to the church, paragraphs from letters intended for personal use, many of which purport to be from Mrs. Eddy to her students, and this warning will arouse us all to a larger sense of loyalty, honesty, and discretion.

Personally I had a hard struggle over the matter. I desired to be obedient in everything that pertained to the welfare of our Cause, but the argument that it was only intended to stop the promiscuous circulation of these notes or the abuse of this privilege, was so strong that I did not immediately obey. I decided to read them all over again, but fully intended to destroy all later on.

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