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Testimonies of Healing

For the last nine years I have known of Christian Science...

From the December 1903 issue of The Christian Science Journal

For the last nine years I have known of Christian Science, and I was led to it through the healing of my wife. I had been greatly troubled with pain in the small of my back, rheumatism, and hemorrhoids. I had suffered from salt rheum for many years, for which I had medical treatments, had taken a great deal of patent medicine, and tried home remedies, but all to no avail.

My hair began to fall out, and in those places the skin on my head turned dark. For this I also had physicians and followed the advice of many, but in vain.

Since coming to Christian Science, I have regularly attended the Sunday services and Wednesday evening meetings with but very few exceptions, and through the good which I have received there, these troubles have disappeared without doctors or medicine. When my hair at first began to grow again, it was white, but later it turned dark, and my beard the same. Now everything is as it naturally should be, for which I thank God.

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