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Testimonies of Healing

I am truly grateful to our Leader for her love and faithfulness...

From the December 1903 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I am truly grateful to our Leader for her love and faithfulness in showing us the way to life and peace. It was Christian Science that healed me of rheumatism, indigestion of the bowels, insomnia, gravel stones, and other complications after I had suffered for more than ten years, and the doctors had rendered me every possible aid. There were times under their treatment when I seemed much improved, but the healing was not permanent.

It was in 1897, through the healing of a friend, that my attention was called to Christian Science, and shortly after I applied to a practitioner for help. The healing was not completed until the expiration of many months; but never for an instant did I think of going back to the old remedies.

Formerly during the passing of the gravel stones the suffering was acute until I received relief from hypodermic injections of morphine which left me in a weakened condition and sometimes I was a day or more in getting over the effect of the opiate; but under the Science treatment I was soon relieved and immediately after resumed my business duties as usual.

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