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Testimonies of Healing

It is a little over three years since I was healed through...

From the December 1903 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is a little over three years since I was healed through the knowledge of the truth, as taught in Christian Science. Words are inadequate to express my sense of gratitude for the rest and peace which it has brought to me. I was healed of asthma in its worst form; the disease made its appearance four years previous, while living in Chicago, and was accompanied with a chronic cough. My condition became so alarming, that the doctors said I could not live another winter in that climate, so I came to California, hoping the change might benefit me. I seemed better for a while, so much so that I began to feel quite free; but to my sad disappointment, I soon found myself worse than ever before.

I wrote to an asthma institute in the state of New York, and took eight kinds of medicine for ten or eleven weeks, but grew worse all the while, under the treatment. We were then living in Los Angeles and were told to try high altitude, so we moved to Colton on the S. P. R. R. on which road my husband is a locomotive engineer, but this change brought me no relief. I could not breathe unless fanned nearly all night, and for five months had not lain down in bed, nor been free from suffering. I had become so weak that the weight of my clothes was a burden to me; indeed, I was but a shadow of my former self.

Finally the day came when I said to my husband, "I have decided to try Christian Science," and somewhat to my surprise, he replied very kindly, "I would if I were you." A friend in Los Angeles had talked to me about it before leaving there, and although it made its impression, I was not quite ready then. We now began to inquire for a practitioner, and I was directed to a worker in Riverside. I asked him how long it would take to heal me. He replied that he did not know, he only knew I could be made well; and so with the hope and courage which his kindly words inspired, I felt that I would certainly receive help. He said I would have to leave the hotel where we were living at that time, and come to Riverside and stay until I was well. This I did, finding a boarding place in a Christian Science family, and I can never forget the kind, loving treatment I received in that home. I hired a horse and carriage, and drove to town every day for my treatments, and in all kinds of weather, through fogs and rain, and was healed in just such weather as my former physicians had forbidden me to go out in.

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