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From the February 1903 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It matters not to what denomination we belong, if only we realize that Christ is the Church and that there is no other. The Bible says God dwells not in temples made with hands. We cannot consecrate anything to God that is not already consecrated, for all is His and His dwelling is everywhere. Shall we present Him' with what is His own? shall we set aside a dwelling-place for Him when already He dwells there and everywhere? Let us realize His omnipresence, and that we have no being apart from His Being, and all will then be recognized as the consecrated temple of our God, where we may "pray without ceasing." Christian, let nothing come between you and Christ, Truth. Whatever does, is another god, and a false one. "In Him we live, and move, and have our being," never let this assurance depart from us, and no evil, mental or physical, can touch us, for He is all good, all Life, all intelligence, all health, all harmony. Christ is the Church a Christian is a member of Christ the Church.

The time draws nigh when the new Jerusalem will be with us, and it is written, "I saw no temple therein for the Lord God almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it;" "and they shall bring the glory and honor of the nations into it." For at that time, "All shall know me from the least to the greatest."

What is to weld together again this multiplicity of sects? The further we go on the present road, the more are they divided, till, like Pilate, the people cry in their despair, "What is Truth?" They cannot all be right, for we see they hold views diametrically opposed to each other, yet all are alike earnest in their search for Truth. What is to be done? This: all must retrace their steps to the fountainhead; all customs, all traditions, all other gods must be discarded, and in brave humility of spirit must all learn again from the Mosaic decalogue and the Sermon on the Mount, how to live, how to serve, and, most important of all, how to pray. That sermon contains the supply for our needs. Then, will be found the cement of love to bind the sects together, that love which brings healing and happiness when the Christ knowledge has been won. Put yourselves in His hands absolutely, like a little child learning to walk, and He will lead you to Truth step by step. Be humble, be patient, and "come gently to Spirit."

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