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From the February 1903 issue of The Christian Science Journal

We regret that our space does not permit us to publish in full the very able address of Mr. Will A. Harris of counsel for the defence in the case of the People vs. Merrill Reed, et al, recently tried at Los Angeles, Cal. The following extracts are sufficient, however, to show Mr. Harris' line of argument, and the nature of the charges. On another page will be found extracts from the testimony of some of the witnesses, given under oath, in this case. The jury found a verdict of "Not guilty."

Mr. Harris spoke in part as follows:—

We have not here the surroundings of a criminal case. We have a man who labors from day to day and toils as an American citizen for the wife and children who are his, and we have a mother whose life has been given to her husband and to her children, as defendants; and those who have appeared as witnesses are not from among the criminal class, but they are from among those who make this country great. Aye, gentlemen, were every man and woman in America as those who have appeared before you in procession from day to day, then you could abolish your courthouses and your jails, and there need not be one policeman in all of this broad land to keep the peace. And this is a matter for your consideration and for your profound consideration. It is a part of the struggle that has been going on during all of the ages; those in power, those who entertain different opinions, say it to those who differ from them, "You shall not;" and "We will lay the heavy hand of the law upon you if you differ from us."'

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