I wish to give you in a few words the experience which led me to accept Christian Science. As my physical condition was all right with the exception of a few insignificant ailments, my great help was the wonderful spiritual uplifting.
Before endorsing Christian Science I fought bitterly against it, or rather my conception of it, for five years, my wife having accepted it before I did. I thought my future life was ruined by this fad, as I then called it. I began to plan ways by which to destroy her interest, but everything failed. Then I became abusive and made everything as unpleasant as possible. She, however, was patient and calm through it all and her display of patience and love caused me to feel very much ashamed of myself, and I resolved to look into Christian Science without any one's knowing it. I was so prejediced against it, however, that I could see nothing in it. During the latter part of December, 1898, I came home one night suffering intensely from a very severe case of chilblains from which I had suffered every winter for about twenty years. This disease manifested itself in my feet and seemed to get worse all the time.
I tried everything I ever heard of, but received no help. One night I came home almost wild with the terrible itching sensation. It caused me to be very irritable. My wife said to me, "There is no use of your suffering like that, Christian Science can heal you." I said, "All right, I am willing to do anything to get rid of this." The result was, in about three days after this I noticed that all inflammation and swelling had disappeared and all soreness was gone. The relief was like heaven to me, but I was so ashamed of the way I had acted toward Christian Science that I would not say anything about it for nearly a week. When I spoke of it I was told to keep my feet in the right path now, and I would be all right. I was also healed of stomach trouble and sick headache. I have had many other proofs of the power of Truth over error. The Bible has become a new book to me through the light that Christian Science has thrown upon it. I am thankful to God that Christian Science has been revealed to this age through the consecrated and salf-sacrificing love of our dear Leader, Mrs. Eddy.—Cincinnati, O.