It is just a little over a year ago that Christian Science dawned on my befogged consciousness and relieved me. For a period of about three years prior to this I had been suffering from what was designated by some of my physicians as sciatica.
During the above period I endured intense agony, and would be practically helpless for periods of from four to six months at a time; then I would be able to get around again for a few months, then revert to the old condition, and was never free from pain. A year ago last January the location of the trouble seemed to shift to a higher point in the back, when even powerful opiates failed to bring relief. I had a great many physicians, all of them of excellent reputation, and all of whom endeavored to their best to relieve me. I feel grateful to them for their kind efforts.
I was sent to Hot Springs, Ark., for three months, and had those baths, including vapors, and also massage, but I came back just as ill as when I went. I was treated with hypodermic injections; had dry hot air treatment for about two months, besides taking an abundance of iodide of potassium, etc., with which my well-meaning friends dosed me, but with no apparent relief, all the treatment only made my trouble appear more real to me.