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Testimonies of Healing

The promise contained in the third verse of the fortieth...

From the May 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The promise contained in the third verse of the fortieth chapter of Isaiah, that the crooked shall be made straight, was fulfilled in my case, for when reading our text-book, Science and Health, just six years ago this month, I was instantaneously healed of what the doctor had pronounced lateral curvature of the spine. I was just looking into Science at that time, and it was my guide and comfort, when, two months later, I left for Paris to continue my musical studies; and during the three years and a half I remained on the other side I was never incapacited from my work for a single day. Christian Science and the loving help of the one who has since become my teacher, met quickly the few ailments that came to me, and only those who have ever had the experience of being a stranger in a strange land can appreciate my gratitude for this help. I proved in every instance that Christian Science is a practical religion, enabling us to work out our problems according to Principle. I have been healed of chronic bronchitis, indigestion, and hereditary rheumatism.

Four years ago, while in London, I became an active Science worker and have seen the words of our Master fulfilled in many instances, "They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." One interesting case of healing was that of a woman over sixty years of age, who had not been able to walk without crutches for over three years, from the result of a fall, having broken the knee cap and torn the ligaments in the knee. I had treated her for a few weeks absently, but going to the south of England I found that I was about an hour's journey from her home, so went over to see her one day and gave her the only present treatment she ever had. On leaving, she walked down the garden path, resting her hand on the fence and using a cane to aid her. It had taken three persons to get her up stairs at night, and two to help her down in the morning. She was soon able to do this alone, and the last report I had was, that she was able to do her own housework and her washing.

I could not express my gratitude for Christian Science, without acknowledging my great love for our Leader, who, through her selfless obedience to Principle, has made possible the way of salvation to all who are willing to deny self, take up the cross, and follow the Way-shower,—Jesus the Christ.—

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