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He had been rather wearied by the labors of the day...

From the September 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"Whatsoever inspires with wisdom, Truth, or Love— be it song, Sermon, or Science —blesses the human family with crumbs of comfort from Christ's table, feeding the hungry, and giving living waters to the thirsty."— Science and Health, P. 23

HE had been rather wearied by the labors of the day, and it was with great thankfulness for the home blessings that he found his way up to the study, accepted the open-armed hospitality of an easy-chair, and let his unbridled thought go free to wander out into the restful pastures of the sunset sky.

His ears were soon gladdened by the sound of the hurrying feet of a little girlie, who was coming, as he well knew, for her accustomed cuddle, but he missed her fore-running call. There was instead a threatening cough, and when she had nestled down with her cheek against his, he found it fevered, and her breathing hastened to a degree which would have begotten fear but for the quiet of mind into which he had entered. Without reference to her distress, he began to talk to her of the glory of the light which was then flooding every threshold and corridor of the palace of the sun. How broad and brilliant the field of color! How varied and delicate its tints, and nothing in all cloudland seemed too small to catch and reflect somewhat of the splendid radiance.

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