When my husband, two years ago, turned to Christian Science, as a last resort, I was at that time going regularly, three times a week, to a physician for the treatment of chronic nasal catarrh, which I had had from birth. All the twenty odd years of my life I had been to physician after physician nearly every day in the week for treatment. Besides this, I had to use medicines at home three times a day. No one could or would give me any relief, or give me the slightest hope, all saying that my case was absolutely incurable. I was willing to undergo, and even suggested, a surgical operation, but was told that this would do no good. The treatments were so severe, a strong acid substance being injected into the organ, that the cartilage in the nasal cavity was entirely eaten away. I also suffered with headaches, due to this condition, my eyes troubled me continually and the sense of smell was lost. The odor attendant upon such cases of catarrh was so offensive that other people invariably kept a considerable distance from me. I always carried three or four handkerchiefs with me to last through the day. I expected that this state of affairs must continue throughout my life, and that I never could make friends as other girls did. I was on the verge of despair and knew not what to do, and yet was not willing to give up my medicine or my doctor.
When my husband took up Christian Science I studied the lessons with him, listened to his explanations about it, and even attended the services regularly with him. At his request I went down to his practitioner's two or three times, just to hear what he had to say on such a subject. Affairs continued in this way for almost two months, at the end of which time the catarrh, which I had had ever since I was born, had disappeared. I was healed and without any effort on my part. Not only this, but my home affairs, which had been hopeless for years, were, through Christian Science, so cleared up that I was the happiest of women. Where were my old troubles? They had vanished; they were only a dream.
I have had many other beautiful demonstrations, and a day seldom passes that I do not thank God for this great and wonderful truth, and for our dear Leader, Mrs. Eddy, my gratitude is unfathomable. How she has toiled for us, and when I think of her many years of labor this verse comes to me,—