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Testimonies of Healing

I have been benefited so much by Christian Science, that...

From the September 1904 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I have been benefited so much by Christian Science, that I desire to give my testimony to the healing power of Truth. Three and a half years ago I was a mental and physical wreck. It is not necessary that I should give in detail a description of my condition. One physician diagnosed my case as locomotor ataxia, and advised me to arrange my business affairs, as there was no hope of a cure, or even a staying of the disease. I could not give up the hope of finding some remedy, and consulted another and yet another doctor in the hope that somewhere I might find relief. One doctor called the disease softening of the brain, another creeping paralysis, but none of them gave me the least hope of a permanent cure. For several months, at intervals, memory, and even consciousness, seemed gone, and at such times I could not even remember the names of the members of my own family. I had now come to be but a skeleton of my former self, sleep forsook me, and several times every day my vocal organs seemed to have lost the power of articulation.

In this terrible extremity. I turned to Christian Science and placed myself, without reserve, under the care of a practitioner, threw away my medicines, and from the very first treatment began to improve. Sleep returned, and in one week from the time I took my first treatment I was well, not a symptom of the old conditions remained; and at this date, three and one half years later, my health is excellent, and I have not lost a day's work from illness during that time.

I owe my life to Christian Science, and it is needless to add that I am now an earnest seeker for the truth that has made me free. I cannot close without expressing my deepest gratitude to the one who has brought to light, in my day, this new-old truth of the "forever coming of Christ" (Science and Health, p. 23).

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