About eight years ago, I was given up by my physician, who could do no more for me, as he said medicine could do me no good, and that time might bring me relief. He gave up the case, but I had such severe attacks, that my beloved ones called in another physician, who examined me and told me that I had a tumor of three years growth. This filled me with fear, for three years previous I had had an operation for a tumor, and supposed that the disorder was removed, and now another operation was suggested, but the physician said that I was too nervous to undergo it, and that I should be nursed so as to get more strength. From that time on I became worse, so much so, that one day I said to the physician that I would willingly undergo the operation, if he could promise me that I would be a well woman afterward. He was a conscientious physician, for he shrugged his shoulders and said that he could not promise anything, I might or might not get well. From that moment on I lost all hope of ever being well again, and got so desperate one day that I dressed and walked downstairs, not having been out of my bed for some time. As I reached the bottom of the stairs, I cried out, "Get Christian Science, quick," and then I became numb all over my body and felt that I could not live much longer. My daughter got frightened and called in neighbors who were Christian Scientists, but of whom I knew very little, and they gave me the address of a practitioner, who proved to be a friend of my girlhood. My daughter went to see her, but she was very busy and could not come that day.
This lady asked my daughter what the trouble was, and she told her that I was dying from a hemorrhage. She replied that she would treat me absently and would come the next day after church. When my daughter returned, I felt quite different. I had no pain whatever; my sickness had taken a turn and I felt as though I could fly far away, I was so light and harmonious.
When she told me that the practitioner could not come that day, I said to her, "Now why did we not wait, I feel that my sickness has taken a turn." I did not then know of absent treatments. The next day she came and I told her all my troubles, and I remember well her kind and loving words as she assured me that I would soon be a healthy woman and would enjoy my life. In three months from that time I was perfectly healed of that ailment and of others which I had for twenty years, and could go and see the practitioner in her office.