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Testimonies of Healing

I am fifty-two years of age, and am in good health,...

From the January 1906 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I am fifty-two years of age, and am in good health, thanks to God, and to our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, who has so clearly shown us the way to Truth in her book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." For twenty-three years, prior and up to the year 1901, I had suffered with consumption, and during that time I had treatment from very many doctors in many different places. None of them gave me any encouragement, only to say, "Live as long as you can; try to enjoy yourself; there is no help for you." One doctor in his examination told me that there were cavities in my right lung; and there was no possible chance to save that lung. During all those years I paid hundreds of dollars for medical attendance and medicine. At a rough estimate, I think two thousand dollars would not cover the expense, and yet I got no relief, but tried to make the best of it.

In the spring of 1901 I was taken very much worse. I had medicine from three different physicians, with regular attendance from one, but continued to grow worse, until it seemed to me that my time was short and I became discouraged and lost all hope.

There were at that time Christian Science practitioners in Glens Falls, three miles from our place, and I was persuaded to try Christian Science. I was not in favor of trying something that I did not believe in, but I had heard that some people had been cured by it, and I at last decided to try it, and sent for a Christian Science practitioner, who came to see me the following day. I took one treatment, was immediately relieved, and after the second treatment I was so much better that I discontinued them. I have grown stronger and better ever since, and am now perfectly well, thank God!

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