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Keep sweet

From the January 1906 issue of The Christian Science Journal


Keep sweet. When the angry word, the bitter taunt, the uncharitable judgment, rises to the lips, leave it unsaid. Uttered, it becomes an arrow that rankles in the heart of another and in your own heart; suppressed, it is a triumph over the meaner part of your own nature, and it helps you win other triumphs. Simple kindliness is the brightest jewel in the crown of character. The brilliant remark that leaves a sting shines by a false light. The word that is uttered in the spirit of consideration for others has in it a divine glow.

Whatever we believe or do not believe, whatever party or sect we belong to and however opposed is this party or sect to that of our neighbor, we still can afford to be tolerant and broad-minded. These divisions that separate us are only seeming, while the tie of a common humanity that unites us is very real.—Exchange.

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