From infancy I had been subject to disease, and before reaching maturity had had nearly all the ills to which the flesh is heir. My troubles finally developed into a chronic affection of the lungs, liver, and bowels. After a fever the bowel trouble became so bad that my physician warned me to be very careful of my diet in the future. He said that if I ate anything hard it would be liable to cause instant death. I had two severe attacks of illness and it seemed as if another would surely kill me. I had the third attack shortly after coming to Christian Science. It was a victory over death through the reading of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." After reading this book I commenced to eat anything that I wished; the action became more regular, and for six years I have had no return of the old trouble. During childbirth I formerly suffered untold agony, being attended by two physicians; and was confined to my bed for months because of weakness.
Four years ago I had a child born under Christian Science. I had absent treatment,, and it was a beautiful demonstration of Truth's power, everything being natural and harmonious. The child is unusually strong and vigorous, both mentally and physically. At this time I was healed of serious troubles which had been in evidence since a former confinement. I had employed some of the best physicians in Chicago, but I was not healed, and they predicted my early death. I have now lived over this period, and through the study and application of the truth taught in Science and Health I am growing stronger daily.
Most grateful am I to the Discoverer of Christian Science, and for what it has done, is doing, and will continue to do for me and for humanity. I am happy to express my love, loyalty, and gratitude to our dear Leader, Mrs. Eddy, for the privilege of reaping the benefit of her unselfish labor. My health is good, and is daily becoming better, through the understanding of God's allness, goodness, omnipresence, and omnipotence. To let in the light of spiritual understanding is to dispel the darkness of belief,—sin, disease, and the fear of death.