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Testimonies of Healing

When nine years of age I was taken with a severe nervous...

From the May 1907 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When nine years of age I was taken with a severe nervous trouble, which our family doctor said was due to overstudy, and that I must stop going to school. I went, however, until I was fifteen years old, when I was obliged to stop on account of poor health. All this time my parents had me treated by different doctors, but my general health kept getting worse instead of better. As I grew older I consulted specialists in Philadelphia, New York, and other cities, with no benefit whatever; in fact, it seemed that I was never free from suffering. In addition, I was unable to talk audibly, or at all, for days at a time. No doctor that I tried knew what to do for this trouble, as it seemed impossible to discover its cause. I was treated with electricity, blistering, rubbing, etc.; the sciatic nerve was burned, and many instruments of torture were used upon me. A paralytic trouble was another evil which befell me, and sleeplessness was added. I labored patiently with what were considered the best physicians that I could find, and gave each one a fair trial, but at last I became completely discouraged and disheartened by the differences in opinion of the doctors whom I consulted. I was at a loss to know what to do, so I decided to stop medical treatment for a while.

Shortly after this, I felt impelled to try Christian Science, although I knew practically nothing about it. After considerable effort to find some one who could tell me. I think divine Love led me to a practitioner, to whom I presented my case and she gave me treatment. I felt foolish in subjecting myself to this treatment, but the Scientist talked so beautifully to me, and what she told me was so comforting and encouraging, that I was glad for the conversation, if nothing more. That night, however, I got to sleep as soon as I retired, and slept all night, the best night's sleep I had had for years. I had also told the practitioner that I had no faith in that which was called God; but the thought that "God is Love," seemed to hover around like a halo after I left her. I was so much encouraged by the result of this first treatment, that I decided to continue, and through the patient, kind, and loving treatment my troubles began to disappear one by one, and without braces, blistering, ointments, or other injurious applications. The insomnia was entirely cured; I gave up eyeglasses; my back and arm were cured; and it is now a long time since I have regained the power of speech. I have also learned to know that "my redeemer liveth;" and I am daily helped, spiritually and physically, by the application of Christian Science.

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