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Testimonies of Healing

It is now nearly six years since I began the study of...

From the May 1907 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is now nearly six years since I began the study of Christian Science. I was supposed to have inherited a tendency to lung trouble, which finally took the form of disease of the knee joint. At first only the right limb was affected, and I was able to walk with the aid of crutches. Three physicians diagnosed my case, one of the methods used being microscopic examination, and they expressed no doubt as to the character of the disease. At the end of a year, instead of improving I was gradually growing worse, and the disease began to be manifested in the other knee. Then I could only get about in a wheel chair. Many weary months were spent in plaster casts and under other treatments, which caused much suffering and weakness, but were all of no avail. The physician then in charge finally told my father that nothing more could be done. He had never given much encouragement, but we felt that he was thoroughly capable and understood the case well. In this hopeless condition friends advised me to try Christian Science, which I finally decided to do, not because I had faith in it, but because nothing else offered me encouragement. I had been thorough with every treatment under physicians, and determined to be equally so with Christian Science.

A practitioner was found and I began treatment. I had a fear that she would expect me to 'begin trying to walk at once, which under materia mediea would have been the worst thing that I could do, and I felt I would not have the courage to attempt it. When I asked her about it, she said, "No, you cannot do it by will-power; when you are able to walk you will know it." I bought a copy of Science and Health and began studying it. At first it was not easy, for I felt like denying nearly everything I read; but I kept my doubts to myself and allowed no one to talk to me against it. Soon its statements began to appeal to me as true, and I no longer had to force myself to read, but began to realize what Jesus meant when he said, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." And so it proved to be, for after having treatments about two months I began to walk, and was soon walking freely everywhere I pleased. On hearing of my recovery, one of the physicians said, "It is only excitement, it cannot last;" but I have walked ever since, and several other physical troubles, one of which I had had all my life, have been overcome. I had worn glasses for three years, and have not had them on since my first healing. I had suffered for years with a pain in my side, but this, too, soon disappeared. Since then I have had very few physical troubles, and they have all been quickly and easily met by the application of Christian Science.

Since my healing there has been no medicine used in my home, and every member of the family has experienced the healing power of Truth and Love. It was but the beginning of the blessings which have come to me through Christian Science. The beautiful promises given in the Bible, which once seemed so vague and visionary, have now become real to me, and I see their fulfilment in some way every day. I feel that I cannot be grateful enough to our dear Leader, who, regardless of human opinion, has stood so firmly for what she knew to be right, and has toiled so patiently to establish the understanding of Truth, that all might be benefited thereby.

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