I am a train despatcher by profession, and through the healing by Christian Science which I have experienced, I am now able to continue in my responsible position, instead of having to give it up, disabled through a paralytic trouble of the right arm and hand. I had since childhood been troubled with severe nervousness, accompanied by headaches, etc., which rendered me at times unable to work. This trouble culminated in the condition above mentioned. I had treatment from many regular physicians and numerous medical methods, including electric treatment, baths, etc., extending over a period of seven years, but never received any help from them, and I was at last plainly told that there was no cure for me. At this time the trouble had continued for eight years, the latter two of which I was obliged to do my work as best I could with my left hand, for I could not hold the telegraph key in my right.
To say that I was in a very discouraged state when Christian Science came to me would not be conveying a correct idea of what it has lifted me out of. I was discordant, irritable, hopeless; everything seemed to be against my recovery. As there was at that time no practitioner in Fairhaven, I went to Ottawa, put myself under the care of one of Mrs. Eddy's students there, and soon experienced a great change. I was entirely healed of all the physical disabilities of years' standing, the tobacco habit included, and I am another man. I can do a larger amount of work with greater ease and confidence than ever before. Like thousands of others who try to express their gratitude through the periodicals, I must say that great as has been the physical healing, to-day the spiritual is to me far greater. It has given me a different view of life altogether and has made my work a pleasure. I no longer begin the day with dread of it, but walk to my duties with a thankful heart. I owe all that I am to-day, and all of good that may come to me, to the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, whom I count it a privilege to call Leader. In our home for the last five years Christ, Truth, has been our only physician. My wife and children unite with me in loving gratitude.
Farnham, Quebec. *