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Testimonies of Healing

Before I had accepted Christian Science as the truth...

From the May 1907 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Before I had accepted Christian Science as the truth, and while I was still in the valley of decision, I was ever watching the Science literature for a testimony relating the experience of some one who had tried Christian Science treatment for an affliction like my own. In the hope that there may be some others watching these pages in like manner, eager to drink in the truth that they may be set free from their bondage as I have been, I wish to give a word of assurance, although I am unable to express all of the blessings that I have received since coming into Science.

I had been a sufferer (to mortal sense) for years, the doctors having named my complaint stomach trouble. Whether or not my case was properly diagnosed I am not certain, but of one thing I am sure, I was growing worse from day to day. Though I had tried a change of climate, first to a high, then to a low, and then to a still lower altitude, at the same time taking all manner of medicines usually prescribed for patients thus afflicted, I continued to grow worse and worse. The sentence of death was passed upon me, and it is needless to say that I was completely discouraged and most miserable. I was suffering intense pain all of the time, as well as getting weaker, with no possible chance of improvement (as I was told). I finally decided that I did not care to live and continue to suffer as I had done all these months, and I fully intended to end it all. I reasoned that I could never be any better; that I would simply go on suffering from day to clay, and finally die. I knew that the Bible says a murderer cannot enter the kingdom of heaven, but the tortures of hell could not be worse than I was then suffering. The day was set. my plans were made, and all was in readiness; but before the day arrived upon which I had decided to go to a suicide's grave, my mind was diverted from its former purpose by my dear companion, who had been healed through Christian Science and who insisted that I should try it. I finally decided to do so, and was completely healed in one treatment. I do not mean to convey the impression that I have never had any attacks of disease since; for that would not be correct; once in particular, I was told that I was very near to death from a fever, and being unable to get the practitioner I desired to treat me, I was compelled to wait several days until I could; at which time I received one treatment, arose from what I was told would be my deathbed; ate a hearty meal, and went to my work the next morning. I have worked from ten to eighteen hours each working day since, and am happy, healthy, and contented with my lot.

I would state to any inquirer that I have found Christian Science a balm for every ache and pain. If people but knew the truth, they would be in a position to clean up their lives in every way. It makes them better men and women to know and love God. I had always used tobacco from a very early age, because I thought it manly, but as I grew older I had to be continually looking for a legitimate excuse for the use of the obnoxious weed. After thinking the matter over a great many times, I decided to be a good soldier. I made up my mind to burn all of the bridges behind me, and I did this when I parted company with the medicine chest, and again when I took the cigars that I had left and placed them in the stove. This happened after I had a little private conversation with the practitioner who had kindly helped me in many ways before. I received two treatments for this habit, with the result that I did not quit the use of tobacco, but it quit me; and I have never had any desire for it since that time.

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