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Testimonies of Healing

It is with gratitude, and the hope that it may be the...

From the June 1907 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with gratitude, and the hope that it may be the means of helping others to find the truth, that I send this testimony. In 1904, while visiting in San Francisco, I became very ill and suffered intensely. My case was diagnosed as acute kidney trouble, and was considered very critical. I was removed to one of the best hospitals, and all that nurses and doctor could do was done for me. I stayed there almost three weeks, and then, though it was considered unwise, I was permitted to leave for my home. There two more physicians were consulted, but the former verdict was confirmed. For ten months I lived on dried bread and milk. Five of the ten were spent in bed with no hope of recovery. The heart became affected, and I was constantly advised to refrain from any unnecessary action, such as turning over in bed, etc. One of the best bacteriologists on the coast was consulted, but as time went on the former acute trouble took the form of a dreaded kidney disease. One more physician was consulted, but the symptoms became more and more distressing. I could not read on account of the impaired condition of the eyes, and the pain was unbearable.

When the first six months of my illness had passed, the physicians advised a minor operation, but my heart was then in such a condition that one physician refused to be present if an anesthetic were given. The operation was performed, but the trouble became more deeply seated and I grew worse and worse. Friends came from a distant town to urge me to try Christian Science. I rejected it, thinking I needed something more than prayer. Then another medicine was tried; I grew worse. Osteopathy was tried; but the treatments, severe in nature, made me suffer still more and failed to give relief. Relatives and friends believed I could not live, and when in one of my trying moments I thought I was nearing the end, I asked for Science as a last resort. I told the practitioner that I knew she could not cure me, but perhaps she could relieve my suffering a little. In two treatments I arose from my bed and took a drive of six miles. I improved right along, the alarming conditions not even appearing after I commenced treatment. My waist measure became normal, from thirty to twenty-three inches. After six months I was completely cured. I am now a picture of health, living a most active life, and doing work that would have seemed impossible for me to do at any time before. After taking my first treatment I ate a regular diet with perfect comfort, although physicians had said this would be a most disastrous proceeding. I am deeply grateful for the spiritual uplifting I have received, as well as for the physical healing.—

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