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[Written for the Journal.]


From the June 1907 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"Glory to God!" My heart, arise and sing
"Glory to God," the heaven's eternal king.
See how the morn awakes, and points for me
A gleaming path across the glimmering sea,
Out from the desert past, the dust-blown sod,
To lead my life to God, my hope to God.

The morning wakes among the misty dews
A thousand starry eyes, a thousand hues
Amid the lisping leaves and answering flowers.
Come, let us count with them their gifts and ours!
Shall not our hearts unite, our eyes be dim
With thoughts of thanks to Him, in praise to Him?

For grateful gifts of thankfulness and praise,
For sweet content, for prayerful nights and days,
Gifts of the golden sun, the bounteous earth,
The harmony, the music, and the mirth
Of waves and winds and heavens: O Love divine!
Accept their songs and mine, their praise and mine.

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