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Testimonies of Healing

The healing truth of Christian Science was first shown...

From the June 1907 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The healing truth of Christian Science was first shown to me about eleven years ago, when, on coming home after completing my college course at one of the universities abroad, I found that a dear friend, whom I had known as a confirmed invalid, had been absolutely cured by Christian Science. Strange to say this wonderful healing seemed to antagonize me, and for many years thereafter I derided and scoffed at this Science and its Leader, hardly ever missing a chance to ridicule them when the subject was brought up in chance conversation. About five years ago I was afflicted with a disease of the eyes which the doctors could not cure, though I consulted the best specialists in Wiesbaden, Paris, and in Boston. This disease was accompanied by severe pain, nervousness, and fear, especially the fear of insanity. For three years I suffered, intensely at times, and tried all sorts of remedies. The last doctor to whom I went recommended, me to throw up my work and go out on a ranch for a year. When I told him that I could not do this because of my family, he said that I must not work more than three hours a day. As I was then working over twelve and could see no prospect of giving up, I came home from that visit utterly discouraged. I then determined that I would work on until the summer holidays and let happen what would, but my wife, who had for more than a year urged me to try Christian Science treatment, prevailed upon me to go and see a practitioner. I went, and though what the practitioner said seemed absolutely impossible and transcendental, I took off my glasses, and from that time to this I have had no pain in my eyes. The advice I received was the exact opposite of that which I received from the doctor, but I went back to my work and in six months all trace of pain, nervousness, loss of memory, and fear had disappeared. I had been a confirmed smoker, but as I found that I could not read Science and Health and smoke, the habit, which I had tried to conquer before without success, also left me.

Since then both myself and my family have had many evidences of the efficacy of Christian Science in the treatment of disease; but that for which I am surpassing grateful is the fact that Christian Science has brought to me a knowledge of God. I had been educated for a minister, as my fathers had been ministers before me, and I had spent four of my six college years with that profession in view, but the inability to accept certain doctrines and other reasons led me to abandon it. Afterwards my line of study, etc., forced me to a weak agnosticism, the Bible became a beautiful, inconsistent poem, Jesus a dreamer, and his so-called miracles seemed to have no more authority as to their truth than those related by the Greek and Latin authors. What a wonderful change has my healing and the study of Science and Health made! God has become a living reality, a wonderful ever-presence that one can at times feel, Jesus the Wayshower, and his wonderful works the natural outcome of his life. The Bible is now to me the Book of books. Moreover, my home, instead of being a place of discord and fear, is filled with joy and love. Is it any wonder that I cannot find words to thank her who brought me to myself, and those who have been so patient with my false intellectual pride and stubbornness? I am thankful also that Science and Health shows me how I may try to lead such a life as will in some small way show my thanks to Mrs. Eddy for all that her works have done for me.—

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