About seven years ago I was stricken with a very acute attack of stomach trouble, for which I immediately placed myself under the care of the best doctors. My suffering at that time was terrible, and medicine seemed to do me no good. From the early stage of the disease up to a year ago I had five different doctors, besides trying many medicines that were recommended to me. The last doctor I consulted gave me a very careful examination, then said that nothing could be done but to go through an operation, and he could not promise that even then I would be cured. He said it was a case of malignant disease of the stomach. The torture of this examination I cannot describe, and I knew that my relatives, friends, and neighbors expected I would pass on in the near future from this disease.
Christian Science was then brought to my notice, and a practitioner recommended to me. I had not been able to eat or sleep with any comfort for months, but after taking one present treatment I was told by the practitioner to go home and eat a hearty meal; and this I did, holding to the good thought which was given me, that God had made all that was made, and that God's children do not suffer. After taking treatment for several weeks I was entirely healed, and can say I am now enjoying perfect health. I weigh more than I ever did before. During the time I was treated I lived in Evansville, Ind.
I have a copy of Science and Health, and thank God for giving us our inspired Leader, who has opened up the way whereby all may be healed as wonderfully as I have been. I am indeed grateful to God for all I have received since knowing of Christian Science.