I have been in Christian Science about two and a half years, and in that time have received so much good that I am glad to tell of it, hoping thereby to benefit some one who may be looking for the truth. For a year previous I had been very ill with an acute organic disease, which was followed by a nervous breakdown. Everything was done for me in a material way; among other things a rest-cure, so called, lasting three months, during which time I had treatment every day which caused extreme pain. When this failed completely, I submitted to an operation, as it seemed the only thing left for me to do. During all this time I was taking many different kinds of medicine, including an opiate. This last seemed to be getting a strong hold on me, as there was seldom a day that I did not take it to ease the pain. I worried dreadfully about it, but there seemed to be no other means of relief. It took me a long time to recover from the effects of the operation, only to find that I was no better, but a great deal worse than before, as I was unable to walk or stand.
At this time Christian Science was brought to my notice and I accepted it readily. My healing was very beautiful to me, as I gained from the first. I was able to walk out in less than two weeks, and in about six weeks I was perfectly well and strong and have remained so ever since. I have since studied Christian Science faithfully, and have received untold good from it in whatever direction it has been properly applied. My life has been better, brighter, and more helpful, and a peace of mind and health of body have followed for which I am truly grateful.
Boulder, Col.