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Testimonies of Healing

I feel it is my duty to express our heartfelt gratitude...

From the January 1910 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I feel it is my duty to express our heartfelt gratitude for all the good which has come to us in Christian Science. Our hearts are overflowing with gratitude to God, and to our Leader, Mrs. Eddy, for the wonderful healing of our son. In December. 1907, our son, fifteen years old, was taken sick. We called a physician, and when he came he said the boy had appendicitis. He came for three days, but our son grew worse constantly. T then asked him to bring another physician, which he did that same night, and they agreed in their diagnosis of the case. The boy at that time seemed to be very low, and I asked the physician what he thought about him. He said there was but one chance in a thousand for him to get well, and I then asked him if he thought an operation would save his life. He replied that the boy was too far gone to stand an operation.

We thought that if this was all that the physicians could do, we would try Christian Science, as we knew a little about it; so we threw away all the medicine and telephoned for a practitioner who lived about seventy-five miles from us. She took the case, arriving at our house in the evening, and she had not been there more than ten minutes when there was a great change for the better. This was on Friday night, and on Sunday morning our son ate breakfast with us. In six weeks from that time be started to school. About six months later he had another attack of sickness, but it was quickly met with Christian Science. He is in good health now and rides live and a half miles on horseback to school.

Words fail us when we try to express our thank fulness, but I want to live my gratitude to God, and to our dear Leader, Mrs. Eddy.—

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