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Testimonies of Healing

It is with a feeling of gratitude that I write this testimony...

From the January 1910 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with a feeling of gratitude that I write this testimony to the efficacy of Christian Science. Prior to my healing I had suffered with a number of complaints, such as stomach and bowel trouble, also nervous debility for many years, which was followed by a general breakdown, with lung disease. I stayed out in the open air in a tent for about two years, being able to work only a part of the time. A doctor advised that I should undergo an operation; this was done, but my condition grew worse. I was treated by several of the best physicians of this city, none of whom could help me.

I was advised to try Christian Science, and as I had tried everything else and was not ready to give up the effort to obtain health, I made up my mind, after hearing what had been done for others, that this was what I wanted. After taking ten treatments I was completely healed of all my complaints. I have since taken great pleasure in studying that wonderful book. "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy. I thank God with all my heart, and also our dear Leader, whose faithfulness as God's messenger to this age has made this healing possible.

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