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Testimonies of Healing

About three years ago I was very ill with lung and...

From the January 1911 issue of The Christian Science Journal

About three years ago I was very ill with lung and stomach trouble, also some lesser ailments. For the lung trouble I had been given very little encouragement from different physicians. One of them had told a friend that my condition was very serious and that I should by all means go to another climate. I was personally told by this physician that so long as I remained in this city I must be outdoors night and day. My stomach could retain only the very lightest sort of food: I was feeling miserable in every way and had not been really well for many years.

In this state I learned of Christian Science, and I shall never forget the evening I was first told about this great truth by a friend. I was told that God is Love, and that in the divine Mind, there is no such thing as sin or disease. This statement seemed true to me, and the friend also loaned me the Christian Science text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," which I studied until very late that night. The understanding I thus gained was that my life so far had not been what God requires of us. Before going to bed that night I made a promise that if Christian Science showed me a better way of serving God, I was going to do so. The next morning I awoke with a very different feeling than I had experienced for years; everything seemed so bright and cheerful that I knew something very wonderful had taken place, although I could not then realize that I was well. Shortly after, however, when I understood about this truth, I could clearly see that I had been instantaneously healed.

I immediately took up the study of Science and Health, in connection with the Lesson-Sermons, and the result is that not only have I been healed of the lung and stomach trouble, but also of a bowel difficulty for which I had constantly taken medicine for years. I have also been healed of deafness, a scalp disease, and falling hair, and I have lost all desire for tobacco and liquors. Best of all, this truth has given me much more: it has given me a clearer understanding of God as a loving Father at all times and in all ways, in whom there is "no variableness, neither shadow of turning." The first time I attended a Christian Science service, shortly after I had been healed, the opening hymn, which was 127 in the Hymnal, seemed to illustrate my case exactly, both before and after the healing had taken place. Christian Science has indeed dispelled many a black cloud of error for me, and has left nothing but joy and peace in its path.

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