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Testimonies of Healing

It is over five years since I first heard of Christian Science

From the January 1911 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is over five years since I first heard of Christian Science. I had longed for a clearer understanding of God for some time past, and believed the promises in the Bible would be fulfilled here on earth instead of after death. When this wonderful truth came to me, I knew I had experienced the fulfilment of those promises. I was only in fairly good health previous to that time, and although I greatly desired spiritual growth, I never dreamed that God's care extended to the healing of physical troubles. But when, through a friend, i first learned of the power of infinite Love which embraced the divine command, "Rise, take up thy bed, and walk," as well as "Thy sins be forgiven thee," my joy knew no bounds. Daily, light streamed into my consciousness and weariness and weakness vanished. For six months I enjoyed many physical blessings, and had several satisfying proofs of God's loving care, but I longed for a deeper understanding of this truth.

Just then an accident befell me. I had a serious fall from a horse, injuring my hip and spine, besides sustaining a severe shock and internal injuries. As I lay on the ground, and realized my position, I knew I must have help of some kind, and that very soon. I at once decided to have Christian Science, and then and there declared that God's child could not be hurt. That declaration at once eased me, and I allowed my friends to lift me from the ground and carry me into the house. I was living in the country, fifty miles from Melbourne, and there being no practitioner nearer, treatment was telegraphed for, and the healing was practically effected through absent treatment. The friend who first told me of Christian Science was sent for, and came with words of uplifting and cheer, and ultimately took me to her home and nursed me. I was simply surrounded with tokens of the protecting care of divine Love in many ways, which made it quite easy for me to continue with Christian Science, although my friends knew nothing whatsoever about it.

The first treatment stopped all complications relative to the internal injuries, and I at once commenced to get well, although for a few weeks I could neither lie on my right side nor walk about. One day I was quite discouraged over this, and the fear crept in that perhaps I needed a doctor's diagnosis, as I might never walk properly again. Looking to matter, the outlook was so dark and depressing that I turned completely away from it to Spirit. God, and declared over and over again that He would heal me. I opened the Bible at the 37th Psalm, and when I came to these words, "Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him: and he shall bring it to pass," a calm confidence displaced the sense of fear, as I knew God's word could not fail. In a few weeks I was moving about, each week showing decided improvement, and when I returned home was gradually enabled to take up my household duties. After three months I was doing my regular work, my strength increasing rapidly. After a while longer there was scarcely a limp perceptible, and since then I have felt no ill effects whatsoever from the accident. As the truth was unfolded to my consciousness, so was the healing manifested on my body. I also found I had gained a far clearer understanding of Christian Science, and was firmly convinced that it is the truth which Christ Jesus demonstrated nineteen hundred years ago, and that the command, "Heal the sick," is as imperative now as then.

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