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From the January 1911 issue of The Christian Science Journal

[From The Christian Science Monitor]

The Reverend Mary Baker Eddy, Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science and author of its text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," passed away at 10.45 pm. Saturday [Dec. 3] at her home on Beacon street, Chestnut Hill, Mass. She had been indisposed about nine days, but had been up and dressed and as late as Thursday transacted some business with one of the officials of the Christian Science church. She took her daily afternoon drive until two days before her going. Saturday night she quietly fell asleep, and those around her could at first hardly realize that she had gone. Her thought was clear until the last and she left no final messages.

No physician was in attendance, but she had the assistance of the students who comprised her household. With her at the time of her departure were Mr. Calvin A. Frye, Mrs. Laura K. Sargent, Mrs. Ella S. Rathvon, the Rev. Irving C. Tomlinson, her corresponding secretary William R. Rathvon, and her secretary Adam H. Dickey.

The funeral service will take place at the residence on Thursday at 11 a.m. It is well known to her household that she believed in simplicity on such occasions, and in compliance with this knowledge the service will be private and of a simple nature, consisting probably of prayer and readings from the Bible with some brief selections from the Christian Science text-book. It is expected that only her relatives, her household, and the officials of her church are to be in attendance.

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