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Testimonies of Healing

It is with deep gratitude that I give the particulars of...

From the January 1911 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with deep gratitude that I give the particulars of my healing through Christian Science. All my life I had been delicate, and about ten years ago I had a serious illness, the doctor saying I was too far gone to be helped, so that I was dragging out a weary existence. About two years ago I was under the treatment of a specialist in this city. I spent fifteen weeks in a hospital, and the doctor said I should have to undergo a serious operation for a fibrous growth.

Just at the last moment a young lady who was staying in the house said that I should try Christian Science. I had never heard the name before, and the young lady did not know anything about it at that time, having only heard about the healing; but she very kindly brought a lady friend to see me, one who knew something of the healing power of Truth, and she took me to another lady, a Scientist, who talked to me and quieted my fears, for I felt ill in mind and body. The Scientist gave me treatment and lent me a copy of Science and Health, and I started on my journey home, reading Science and Health. Under absent treatment I gradually grew stronger, so that I could work as much as I liked; and now I am healed. Before knowing of Christian Science I had constantly to lie down; but have not had to do so a day since.

People often ask what I did that I got so well. I have had many demonstrations of God's protecting care. I used to worry about everything; now I know that God governs me and my affairs. Christian Science has taught me to be kind even to those who are unkind to me; it helps me in every way and every day. I feel deeply grateful to Mrs. Eddy for the book which enables us to know God aright.

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