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Testimonies of Healing

It is with great gratitude to God, and to Mrs. Eddy, that...

From the January 1911 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with great gratitude to God, and to Mrs. Eddy, that I tell of the wonderful change and happiness which Christian Science has brought into my life. I had been very delicate for years, and this finally developed into lung trouble, with many minor ills which rendered my life one of constant care and worry. The doctors (and there were many) said my trouble was hereditary, as my father and several of the family had died of the same disease. I was not allowed to walk much, or do anything that would be considered tiring. I was also forbidden to go into hot or crowded rooms.

This condition lasted until November, 1908, when I was staying in Montreun, Switzerland, and was so ill that the doctor advised my mother to take me to a mountain resort. On arriving there I had a very severe attack, from which I was kept to my room five months. During that time I was taken from the hotel to a sanitarium, to take treatment, which lasted until July, 1909. The doctor's reports were always the same, viz., that I was in a very delicate state, as not only were the lungs affected, but my whole constitution was very weak. I was kept to my chaise-longue all day, not even allowed to walk for more than half an hour in the afternoon.

At this time a friend who had been cured in Christian Science of an organic disease, wrote, telling me of it and what it had done for her and many others, also begging my mother to see a practitioner. This was soon arranged, with the result that my mother came down to Geneva, learned of the wonderful cures, and brought me back a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." Although I had not understood much of the Christian Science literature my friend had previously sent me, directly I began to read this book my eyes, which had caused me great trouble, became perfectly well, and the glasses I had always used for reading and writing were given up entirely, and I have never needed any since. In less than a month I had left the sanitarium, and came here to be treated by a practitioner. My healing was very quick, in fact I knew I was healed after the first treatment. Since then, with the aid of Science and Health and the practitioner's patience in explaining the truth to me, I have been able to overcome many physical troubles, including severe headaches.

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