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From the November 1912 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In February, 1885, Christian Science was brought to Detroit, and at the time of its introduction three of the leading daily papers published interviews and commented favorably upon some of the healing done in the city. The interest continued to grow steadily, and during the next few years a number of classes were taught and for a time services were held in a private house. It, however, became apparent that public services were needed in order to give all who so desired an opportunity to learn of the Christ-healing which had come anew to this age through Mrs. Eddy's wonderful discovery of its divine Principle and its universal application to all human need, as set forth in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." Accordingly, those who had accepted this truth withdrew from their former religious affiliations and secured for the Sunday services Royal Templar hall on Woodward avenue. This they continued to use from August, 1889, up to the fall of 1891, when it was outgrown and Schwankovsky's hall, a most desirable auditorium in a new building, also on Woodward avenue, was rented.

It was during the occupancy of this hall, in 1895, that the form of service was changed from personal preaching to that which now characterizes all Christian Science services throughout the entire world. As it was not possible to secure this hall continuously for the experience meetings, temporary quarters were found for these in a small hall on Witherell street, and later in the Universalist church. Schwankovsky's hall was, however, retained for the Sunday services until the Scientists, late in 1897, bought an Episcopal church edifice, situated on Alexandrine avenue, W., near Woodward avenue. Extensive changes were made in the building, and with a joy which could not be measured, on the part of all the members, this church was dedicated Feb. 13, 1898. At each of the three services which were held, a message from Mrs. Eddy was read, as follows:

Thanks for invitation to your dedication. Not afar off I am blending with thine my prayer and rejoicing. God is with thee. "Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee."

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