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From the November 1912 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In response to Pilate's interrogatory, the Wayshower gave this exact statement of his mission: "To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth." To this same end is every Christian born into the world; and if this be his aim and ideal, he will reach it, but it is unlikely that any individual's achievements will exceed his expectations. Are we expecting, and are we also striving, to be true witnesses? Through expectation one may rise on the broad pinions of faith, enter mentally the realm of reality, striving the while to prove by demonstration what are the heights of expectation.

The secret of the Wayshower's dominion over all the phases of evil lies in the fact that, firstly, he never consented to be less than a witness to the power which he recognized to be resident in God alone; and, secondly, that he never allowed fear or infidelity to make him lose a single opportunity of being his Father's true, obedient, and active witness here on earth. Jesus remembered what we sometimes forget, namely, that the healing power resides in Principle, not in personality; that the Christian Scientist's responsibility begins and ends with faithfully bearing witness to the ever-presence and infinitude of good at all times and in every circumstance. Like the Wayshower, we should expect nothing more, yet nothing less, of ourselves than a steadfast and consistent confidence in the power of Spirit to banish every appearance of discord. The one way to attain to this confidence is by remembering incessantly that although it is for us to perform the task assigned to us, "strength cometh from the Lord;" and this boundless reliance is felt only by the genuine man in God's likeness.

Christ Jesus was never dismayed by error, therefore what seemed a disaster to the mortal sense of those about him, appeared most probably to him as a grand opportunity to prove the presence and power of divine Love; and the bigger the seeming disaster, the grander the opportunity. It mattered not to Jesus whether this opportunity appeared as a hungry multitude, a storm, a lunatic, a sin-burdened woman, or the tomb of his friend. Jesus cared not whether the need was for more tribute money or a chamber for the passover, for wisdom to reply to the Pharisees or, sublimest of all needs, for love enough to forgive his enemies. He knew that the divine Mind contained the abundant supply for each and all of these needs, and he humbly relied on the divine resources, and these proved immanent and unfailing in every instance.

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