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From the November 1912 issue of The Christian Science Journal

IN human consciousness and human affairs there is a constant and seemingly never-ending struggle between truth and error. On the one side is Life, Truth, Love, harmony, peace, an enduring faith and trust in God and in the all-pervading, eternal omnipotence and omnipresence of good. On the other a lack of faith in God, and the belief of the power of evil, from which come sin, sickness, disease, sorrow, inharmony, and the numberless evils that flow from error.

This struggle between truth and error, good and evil,r ight and wrong, enters into every phase of human experience and endeavor. We find it in the halls of Congress, in the courts of justice, in the churches, in the business affairs of men, in the homes, and in the silence of individual effort at advancement to better living and better thinking. The argument of error, or evil, is to be met everywhere and by all men. Human minds, imperfect, unreliable, misleading, differ as to what is true and what is false, what is good and what is evil. It sometimes seems as if these differences would never end, that men must go on forever struggling, disagreeing, and suffering from the apparent inability to distinguish between right and wrong, the lack of power to understand what is truth and what is error.

But there must be, somewhere, to be understood sometime, indeed there is now, one great, universal, eternal Truth which will solve all doubts, destroy all error, all evil, and establish, not only in fact, but in the life and consciousness of men, the full understanding that there is nothing but this Truth. This understanding attained, all error, with its accompanying and consequent evils, sin, sickness, disease, death, must vanish into the nothingness that they really are. So the great struggle after all is to understand. To know the truth that makes men free! Free from what? Free from the false beliefs which hold mankind in bondage to the evils that beset humanity. Free from the temptation to sin, from the fear of and belief in sickness and disease, free from belief in the reality of matter and the existence and reality of evil, free from every thought opposed to good and conducive to evil. This awakening to a full understanding of God, of the immortality and omnipotence of good, and the mortality, the unreality, the destructive and perishable quality of evil, would indeed make men free.

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