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Testimonies of Healing

I have felt for some time that it...

From the April 1912 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I havefelt for some time that it was my duty as well as a privilege to testify to the saving power of Christian Science as taught in the Bible and "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." From the age of sixteen I was a seeker for Truth, and had been a member of an orthodox church for several years when force of circumstances led me to unite with another denomination. There I became an active worker, and at times found much spiritual help and comfort, but never once in all those years did I ask God to relieve my physical suffering or feel that He could do so. I felt that if I lived rightly God would give me patience to endure the ills that flesh is heir to, and yet I spoke of God as a loving Father, and believed in a blind way the statements I made.

After trying several physicians, also different schools of medicine, I went to a hospital in order that I might diet and rest, but returned more nervous and depressed than ever. My physician had told me that the less medicine I took the better, and in fact he suggested that I try Christian Science. I however knew nothing of it and was very much prejudiced against its teachings. I was in such mental distress that I sent for my pastor, and told him that I felt God had forgotten me. He was an able minister and I felt sure of help, but he only said that when I felt so depressed I should say: "Though he slay me, yet will I trust him." This was the only text he mentioned to me, but it set me to thinking. I did not believe that the God I worshiped would slay me willingly. A tiny seed was sown, and when some weeks later a dear friend brought me a copy of Science and Health, I did not stop to argue, I put away my medicine and commenced to read the chapter on Christian Science Practice. I had little opportunity, but I read when I could do so, and in five days I was healed of a distressing stomach disorder. It is now more than three years, and I have never taken any medicine or had any return of the disease.

But the wonderful thing for which I rejoice today is that I have found a God who is "a very present help in trouble;" that I know "divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need" (Science and Health, p. 494); and that there is no real power apart from God. I have had many demonstrations of the power of Truth since I began my journey from sense to Soul, and though the way has not always been a primrose path, thanks to many kind friends and my own intense desire to know the truth I am daily being freed from both physical ills and mental idiosyncrasies. Now that I have had the privilege of class instruction, I hope to do good work and to be able to help others find that truth which makes men free.

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