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From the April 1912 issue of The Christian Science Journal

IN the account of Jesus' life as given in the four gospels, we often read that when a season of trial confronted him, he ascended up into a mountain and there engaged in communion with the Father. It behooves us, therefore, to follow the example of the Wayshower, and before beginning any work of importance to seek that uplifted state of consciousness which enables us to commune intelligently with the one Mind.

The building of a church edifice is a problem that is confronting many branch churches today all over the world, and each one interested in this work should daily renew and purify his zeal by contemplating the true church—the "church triumphant"— which has always existed, radiant in purity, an active, ever-operative force for good. It is plainly apparent that the true church is spiritual, since naught but Spirit and its reflection can escape the doom of mortality; and this ideal must be kept firmly in thought, even while in concession to present needs we organize churches and supply them with material homes. While we know that error cannot prevail against the church of God, yet it will endeavor to oppose the building of a Christian Science church at every turn, and this seeming resistance to the spread of the truth should not be ignored and allowed to retard the good work, but be scientifically reduced to nothingness.

One of the many devices of error is to cause friction among the church members themselves, thus destroying that unity of thought which is so essential to the success of any undertaking. The Scriptures tell us that a house divided against itself cannot stand, and it would therefore seem to be an unwise step even to purchase a lot or make any preparations for building until all concerned are of one mind.

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