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Testimonies of Healing

In August, 1907, my brother met...

From the April 1912 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In August, 1907, my brother met with an accident while at work. He was caught in a belt, was thrown against a casting, and when picked up was unconscious. He was taken to the hospital, and word was sent to me, as I was the only relative he had in the city. When I heard of it, I immediately went to the hospital. He was lying there just as though he was dead. I asked the doctor what he thought about my brother, and he shook his head and said he could not tell me anything, that I should come back in the morning. I had a little understanding of Christian Science, so I went to a practitioner and told him that the doctor said there was very little hope for my brother; that he was unconscious, and I feared the worst. The practitioner said, "You do not need to be afraid, for with God all things are possible. I think your brother will be all right." He assured me he would do all he could for him, and then my fear was gone. The practitioner was very anxious to have my brother taken out of the hospital, but as all the men are insured by the firm where my brother was working, it seemed impossible to take him out, and under the circumstances we had to do the best we could. The doctor said that my brother received no medicine, and I reported twice a day to the practitioner.

I then went home to let my folks know, as they live about twenty miles from the city. The next morning my father and mother came back with me, and we went up to the hospital. When my father saw my brother, he turned away and cried. I then asked the doctor what he thought. He said my brother was in a very bad condition, as his jaw was broken, his skull fractured, and one eye badly bruised. The doctor said that there was one chance out of a hundred for him. We then went out, and I told my parents I had asked for help in Christian Science. My father was not interested, but he said, "Anything, if it will do him any good." My father and mother went with me to see the practitioner, and my father told him that he thought he would lose his son; but the practitioner encouraged him, and when we left there my father had a smile on his face.

My brother remained unconscious for five days, but I went to see him three times a day. The doctor did not give me any encouragement until after the fifth day, then I could see for myself that he was getting better. When he began to talk, the first thing he wanted was something to eat. After two weeks he wanted to go home, as he said he did not get enough to eat, but the doctor would not let him go, as he wanted him to stay at the hospital at least four weeks. After three weeks and a day, however, I took him to our room. He stayed there three days, then went out home with his mother. After that he began to read Science and Health, and is now deeply interested in Christian Science. He is not at all disfigured.

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