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Testimonies of Healing

I have many times wished to write...

From the April 1912 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I have many times wished to write of my experience in Christian Science, especially of my first healing, because it may prove of great benefit to some one who is seeking earnestly to be rid of "divers diseases." In 1896 I was advised to go under an operation for what was pronounced a malignant growth which was very painful, having spread rapidly from the first. The operation proved to be a serious one, and so great was my dread of the disease that before I was able to sit up I began to fear a return. In about a year I was again a patient in the hospital, my condition being far more severe than when I was first afflicted, as the deep-seated growths made the second operation very dangerous. In 1898 a third operation was said to be necessary, and as I believed that without the operation I must linger and suffer, death seemed preferable to years of agony in this condition.

Upon arriving home I found that a niece had been healed in Christian Science. I had heard of this faith, but did not believe it could help me. When, however, I learned how completely she had been healed, I asked her if she thought Christian Science could prevent the return of disease. She replied: "Yes, if you take up the study of it. In 'Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures' by Mrs. Eddy you will find just what you want to know." I told her I should like to borrow her book and read it, so she gave it to me gladly and I began to search earnestly for the knowledge of God that heals.

I understood but little of what I read, but thought that if others could get the truth I would persevere and gain all I could. For several weeks I read faithfully, when suddenly I was reminded that I had no pain, and could not remember when I last felt it. Upon examination I found that the manifestation had entirely disappeared. My joy was unbounded, and the desire to know more of this wonderful truth was my only thought. No one knew of my trouble, and I said nothing about it at the time, for fear it might return. This was in 1898, and there has never been the slightest evidence of it since.

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