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Testimonies of Healing

It is with feelings of love and gratitude...

From the April 1912 issue of The Christian Science Journal

It is with feelings of love and gratitude for the clearer understanding of God's Word which I have gained through reading "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, that I write this testimony, in the hope it will help some one else who may be groping in the dark as I was until Christian Science brought me into the light. It was indeed a revelation to me, for I had reached that mental state which knows no peace or rest. I was sick mentally and physically; I would go to church in the hope of hearing something which would help me, but invariably came away hungry and thirsty, until I was graciously led by the goodness of God to a Christian Science church, where I felt that every word met my need, and that I had at last found the truth about God and His Christ.

For more than twenty years I had been a sufferer from a supposed disease of the stomach, and was under the care of not a few medical men in different towns, who always showed me the greatest kindness, but never gave me any hope of ever being well. They said they could only relieve me, but not cure me. Eight years back, to add as it seemed then to my great suffering, during one of the attacks of illness a kidney became affected, so that I had to wear a support, to my great discomfort; but I was told by one doctor that I must never leave it off or I would have to undergo an operation. Five years ago, when to mortal sense I felt worn out, mentally and physically, I was through a dear friend mercifully led to the home of a faithful Christian Science practitioner, who kindly lifted me from darkest despair into the light of the understanding that God is Love. I had formerly believed that God sent me all the suffering for my good, in some way which I could not understand, but I now know that He was Love all the time, and that divine Love never sends suffering to any of His children.

In less than two weeks, spent in reading Mrs. Eddy's inspired book, I was able to lay aside the support, knowing that as God's child I needed nothing to sustain me other than the strength which He supplies, and from that day until now I have never experienced the slightest discomfort from having done so. Formerly I was afraid to take ordinary food, for fear of being laid up; but I now know no fear, and take whatever is put before me with a very thankful heart, praising God that He should have so blessed a noble, selfless woman that she was enabled to lead thousands from the darkness of a belief in every sort of error into the spiritual understanding of Life, Truth, and Love, and the peace which passes all understanding. I am now in better health than I ever remember from my earliest days, and words fail me to express my gratitude to God, also to Mrs. Eddy, for the many blessings which Christian Science has brought into my life, as well as to those dear to me.—

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