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Testimonies of Healing

Over two years ago, I was greatly...

From the April 1912 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Over two years ago, I was greatly prejudiced against what I thought Christian Science to be. I had been ill for some years, with a severe stomach trouble, nervousness, despondency, and many other physical ailments. I was discouraged, tired of materia medica, and did not know where to look for help.

At this time I received word from the West that a Scientist friend of ours was coming to visit us. I said to my daughter that I was glad she was coming, but that I did not want her to talk to me about Christian Science. She had been with us only a few days, however, when I poured all my troubles into her ears. She told me that I could be helped through Christian Science, but still I would not give in, although I began to wish that I might be healed. I read a little in Science and Health, but was very careful not to let any members of my family see me doing it. I did not understand it at first, but had faith that if others could be healed, I, too, could be.

One evening at dinner I said to my friend that I wished I could eat some of the nice food, but that I had been on a strict diet so long I was afraid to do so. She told me that God never made anything which would harm His children, and that food could have no power over man. All my fear of food was destroyed then and there; I ate what I wished, enjoyed it, slept better that night than for months, and felt splendid the next morning. I did not understand for some time how I had been healed, but felt that God's hand had been outstretched.

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