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Testimonies of Healing

Some time ago, our little girl was...

From the April 1912 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Some time ago, our little girl was stricken with measles. A Christian Science practitioner treated her, and she progressed nicely without material precautions; but soon after this, ear trouble, an ailment particularly alarming to me, presented itself. I had once worked in the office of a noted specialist and had witnessed many operations for this condition, which I dreaded extremely because of the danger, suffering, delayed healing, and expense. Understanding very little about Christian Science, I entertained many doubts of the wisdom of my course, but was deterred from calling upon materia medica by the knowledge that God is just, and would not punish us for an honest desire to serve Him in His own appointed way, but would show us our mistake—if mistake it were—before it was too late to remedy it. This thought was greatly strengthened by the tactful wisdom and serene faith of the practitioner, and our reward came quickly. The pain lasted only long enough for us to call the practitioner's attention to it, the swelling and inflammation were speedily reduced, and the offensive discharge continued less than a week. The ear became entirely normal without any so-called cleansing agency, and was not even kept from exposure to the keen winter air.

Neither our own nor the practitioner's work ended with the physical healing, but has continued until marvelous new fields of work and study, wonderful vistas of Life, have opened out before me, and I can indeed be grateful to God, divine Truth, and to each channel through which this truth has flowed to reach me.—

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